We will ensure the efficiency of your employees at reasonable prices.
Who conducts the inspection of the workplace and the assessment of potential harmful effects on the health of workers?
Under Finnish legislation, the inspection of the workplace and the assessment of potential harmful effects on the health of workers must be carried out on the production site of the enterprise by a medical worker in occupational health or a occupational doctor.
What is the purpose of conducting an inspection and evaluation of the workplace?
To timely identify possible harmful effects and develop a joint action plan to reduce their impact on the health of employees.
How often is this assessment carried out?
The workplace assessment should be carried out every time a company starts its operations or the type of activity changes.
Where is the inspection and evaluation of the workplace conducted if the enterprise operates on several sites?
If the company's activity is the same at every site, it is enough to inspect one site. If the activity at each site is different, an inspection is conducted at each site. For example, if a construction company is doing interior finishing at every site, it is enough to inspect one site. But if the company is laying concrete floors at one site and installing a roof at another, both sites need to be inspected.
Is it necessary to conduct workplace inspections if the enterprise leases out its workforce?
Such an enterprise should not organize the inspection of the workplace for workers who work under a lease contract. The leasing enterprise, where the workers are registered, must independently conclude a contract for Työterveyshuolto with the medical center and provide information about risks at the workplace, so that the medical center can properly organize the medical preventive examinations of workers.