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  • Occupational Health Care
  • Beneficial occupational health care for small and medium-sized enterprises across Finland

    We are a medium-sized business ourselves, and we understand well what such enterprises need.

    And that is why already 2650 small and medium-sized enterprises have chosen our Työterveyshuolto services.

    Save on expenses, not on quality.

    Choose from the options:

    Mandatory työterveyshuolto with payment upon provision of services

    • General fee 38 €/person/year

    • Service fee from 10 €/person/year

    • Inspection and evaluation of the workplace from 412 €

    • Kela compensation up to 60% expenses

    Minimum package of legally required measures

    • Fixed price 8 - 41 €/person/month

    • Savings up to 50% compared to payment for services rendered

    • A fixed-price contract can be paid in installments.

    • Kela compensation up to 60% expenses

    You can add optional medical treatment that is not mandatory by law.

    • Appointments with general practitioners or specialist doctors

    • Consultations with physiotherapists and psychotherapists

    • Any laboratory and instrumental studies

    • Kela compensation up to 50% of the cost

    We serve clients in collaboration with partners - Pihlajalinna, Aava, SynLab

    Possibly the best in Finland Työterveyshuolto

    • We may not be as big as the market giants, but we value every client.

    • Live communication: our professionals are directly connected with you

    • We always offer the best prices

    • We have honest and transparent pricing

    • MEDFIN was founded in 2004.

    • 100% domestic

    • Over 60,000 customers

    • Approved by Valvira and Kela


    Our main office

    Itämerenkatu 11-13 EF, 00180 Helsinki

    MEDFIN työterveyshuolto

    Our clients' reviews

    Café Mellsten

    We have been cooperating with MEDFIN Medical Center since 2015. The best part about our collaboration is that it's easy to maintain occupational hygiene. Whenever necessary, I can always contact the same person I constantly work with. The phone is answered quickly, and you don't need to listen to hold music at MEDFIN. The required examinations were successful. Examinations can be carried out in the shortest possible time, and that's good.
    Nina Backberg-Kinnunen, owner
    Link to the company's website:

    Stadin Gosarit Oy

    We have been collaborating with MEDFIN Medical Center for almost six years. In short, the service at MEDFIN works. The communication is clear. They respond to phone calls immediately, there's no need to stand in line, and they also respond quickly to emails. MEDFIN specialists know what they're doing. Legal obligations will be fulfilled, and you can count on MEDFIN professionals to help you fulfill them.
    Henry Holopainen, Chief Executive Officer
    Link to the company's website:

    Stoneware Group Oy

    We have been working with the MEDFIN Medical Center for six years now. The collaboration is going well. The best thing about the services is that the cooperation is smooth. The collaboration includes, for example, mandatory medical examinations for employees, which are conducted every three years.
    Tero Kallio, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Company website link:

    While providing good service to employees, we always keep in mind the interests of employers.

    Our partners

    By signing a service contract for Työterveyshuolto at MEDFIN, you gain access to the My MEDFIN service.

    Employers can manage the company's employee list, request contract updates, change company information, and much more.

    What you need to know about Työterveyshuolto

    The Finnish Työterveyshuolto law requires employers to organize preventative medical care for all working employees –

    regardless of the number of employees, their work, working hours, or the term of the employment contract.

    The goal of Työterveyshuolto activities is to prevent occupational diseases and injuries, as well as to maintain the work capacity of employees.

    Occupational health care is voluntary if the company only employs entrepreneurs according to the YEL law.

    The first event is a comprehensive assessment of the workplace, which serves as the basis for Työterveyshuolto measures.

    During it, working conditions and the work environment are examined, and their possible impact on the health of workers is assessed.

    Based on the assessment of the workplace, an Action Plan Toimintasuunnitelma is developed, which is then used for organization.

    necessary medical examinations and other activities to improve working conditions and increase work capability.

    The plan is updated annually.

    The company can expand the range of services under the medical service contract and add doctor's appointments.

    consultations with specialists, research and other services upon request.

    Why should you choose MEDFIN Occupational Health Care?

    • Convenient: we serve all over Finland

    • Beneficial: we strive to offer the best price.

    • Range of services: full assortment of doctors and equipment

    • Quickly: the contract can become effective even on the day of application

    • Flexible: only the Työterveyshuolto services your company needs

    Contact us today and start saving on Työterveyshuolto contract expenses.

    Copyright © 2025 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off

    Copyright © 2025 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off