Brief Guide to Työterveyshuolto
What is Työterveyshuolto?
This is mandatory medical service for the company's employees, which is organized and paid for by the employer. The purpose of Työterveyshuolto is to maintain the work capability of personnel and to reduce the impacts on workers' health from harmful working conditions where they exist.
Why is Työterveyshuolto mandatory?
Laws Työterveysyhuoltolaki 1383/2001and Occupational Safety and Health Act 738/2002They oblige the employer to organize medical and preventive care if the company has at least one employee. If only one or several entrepreneurs insured by YEL work at the enterprise, then Työterveyshuolto can also be organized on a voluntary basis.
What measures within the framework of Työterveyshuolto is the employer obliged to carry out?
The employer is obliged to enter into a contract with a medical center, which conducts an inspection of workplaces at the production site and prepares an annual joint action plan for Työterveyshuolto. The action plan is developed taking into account the assessment of possible harmful effects of working conditions on the health of workers. Within the framework of this action plan, medical-preventive examinations can be conducted for workers whose health is at risk, as well as other measures to reduce harmful effects on the health of employees. The action plan for Työterveyshuolto is updated annually. and You can find detailed information in a special article dedicated to workplace inspections.and in a separate article dedicated to medical-preventive examinations.
What activities within the framework of Työterveyshuolto can an employer carry out, but is not obligated to?
The employer can, but is not obliged to, arrange treatment for employees. In particular, our medical center offers employers a voluntary extended service package through Työterveyshuolto at a fixed cost, which includes not only mandatory measures but also telemedical remote service for employees by a general practitioner and a nurse including the possibility of them seeking care for illnesses, getting sick leave, prescriptions, etc.You can find detailed information in a special article dedicated to telemedical remote service.
What is the cost of service for Työterveyshuolto and how can it be forecasted?
The costs for Työterveyshuolto become clear after the development of an annual joint actions plan, they depend on the workload of the medical staff. Even for companies with the same number of employees, they can vary greatly depending on the industry, working conditions, number and location of production facilities. You can familiarize yourself with the prices for the main works in the calculator. For your convenience, our medical center offers service packages at a fixed cost. By purchasing such a package, you will be able to plan the cost of Työterveyshuolto with 100% certainty, which will be completely predictable and will not be exceeded. In case of full implementation of all activities according to the annual plan of joint actions for Työterveyshuolto, the cost of the service package for the next year may be reduced. More details about the service packages are discussed in a special article dedicated to this issue.
Is there reimbursement from Kela for expenses made for Työterveyshuolto?
Kela reimburses the employer:
- up to 60% of expenses incurred in accordance with the approved plan for joint actions on Työterveyshuolto
- up to 50% of the costs for treatment of employees
What health information about an employee can an employer obtain?
The employer can obtain information from us about whether the employee is fit for the tasks assigned to him due to his health condition, and whether there are any limitations related to his health. Also, the employer can receive information from us about the diagnosis that caused the employee to be on sick leave. All other information can only be obtained by the employer based on the employee's written consent or in the presence of the employee.You can find detailed information in a special article dedicated to cases of workers falling ill.