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For Companies
Expenses covered by Kela
What part of the occupational health care costs does Kela reimburse?
Kela compensates up to 60 percent of the costs for preventive occupational health care (among other things, mandatory measures) and up to 50 percent of the employee's health care costs.
Compensation is calculated based on the type of business and the number of employees.
You can use our calculator to estimate the maximum compensation paid by Kela for occupational health care costs.
When is the Kela compensation paid?
Self-employed individuals covered by YEL insurance receive compensation immediately upon payment of the invoice.
Companies receive compensation within half a year of the end of the fiscal year.
What needs to be done to receive compensation?
It is important to understand that Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland) will not pay full compensation for the paid occupational health care package, if all the actions of the annual plan have not been arranged.
For example, if a fixed-price package has been acquired for the company, but only part of the planned actions have been implemented, compensation will only be paid for a small part of the package price.
At the end of the fiscal year, we prepare an annual report for the companies to present to Kela.
What documents does the Kela compensation require?
For Kela, you must fill out the SV98a form, which is a report on the procedures carried out in occupational health care and the costs incurred by the company from them. This form is filled out by the medical center.
Does Kela reimburse the costs of occupational health care for foreign companies?
If a company pays the salaries of its employees working in Finland, as well as the employer and employee health insurance contributions to Finland, foreign companies operating in Finland have the right to receive reimbursements from Kela (The Social Insurance Institution of Finland).
If the health insurance contributions are paid to other countries, there is no right to Kela reimbursements.