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  • Vasectomy
  • Vasectomy - a radical method* of male contraception

    Performed by a licensed surgeon with extensive experience in urology, under local anesthesia and with effectiveness monitoring.

    950.15 €** - cost of the operation in outpatient conditions, including a preliminary assessment of the feasibility of the operation, preparation of necessary legal documents (form ST1), the work of the surgeon and nurse, histological examination, local anesthesia and control of postoperative healing.

    * Vasectomy, like all other methods of contraception, does not guarantee 100% sterility.

    ** This price does not include poliklinikkamaksu.

    Male sterilization is the most effective method of contraception. At the same time, there are no changes in the body for men. The operation is well tolerated and recovery happens quickly. According to Finnish law, male sterilization can be performed based on the conclusion of one doctor if the patient is 30 years old or already has three children.

    Male sterilization is performed in our clinic under local anesthesia. During sterilization, part of the spermatic duct is cut off for a man. This is necessary to prevent sperm from getting into the semen. All major sexual functions are preserved in this process. After the procedure, it is necessary to use protection for 3 months, after which a spermogram is carried out to control the effectiveness of the vasectomy performed.

    You can book a consultation time using the online booking system. Before undergoing a vasectomy, you will receive all the necessary information about this procedure and its consequences, as well as fill out the ST1 form.

    You can familiarize yourself with the current prices here

    You can book a consultation time using the online booking system. If you do not have a Finnish identification number, then to make an appointment you should call +358 10 574 39 70 during business hours.

    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off

    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off