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- Circumcision
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Male circumcision for medical and religious reasons
The surgery and post-operation recovery monitoring is performed by a surgeon who has an operating permit and extensive experience in urology. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia.
790 €* - the price of a day surgical procedure, which includes the work of the surgeon and the nurse, local anesthesia, and post-operation recovery monitoring.
* The price does not include outpatient clinic fee.
- Circumcision can be performed for health, religious or prophylactic reasons. It refers to the removal of the foreskin from around the head, or glans, of the penis.
- Over a third of men worldwide are circumcised. The procedure is most popular in the United States, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
- The most common medical reasons for circumcision are tight foreskin, known as phimosis, and premature ejaculation. Surgery is used if conservative treatment is not effective.
- In some cultures, boys are circumcised soon after birth or when they reach puberty. Circumcision is common in Judaism and Islam.
- From the late 19th century onwards, part of the scientific community has recommended male circumcision as a prophylactic measure. There are high-quality studies that show circumcision significantly reduces the risk of HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections, urinary tract infections, and the risk of developing some oncological diseases.
- For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2012 that the cost of circumcision for underage boys be covered by public and private health insurance funds (such as Medicaid).
- In our medical center, circumcisions for adults and children are performed by a surgeon in the outpatient department, using local anesthesia. If needed, pre-medication is prescribed for children.
- We are aware that part of the Finnish population opposes circumcision of minors for religious reasons. However, parents cannot be denied the right to follow their religious traditions. Finnish law allows boys' circumcision for religious reasons. In fall 2008, the Supreme Court stated that circumcision performed in hospital conditions for religious or cultural reasons is not a crime.
- The recommendations of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health state that only a doctor with the appropriate operating permit can perform circumcision, and they must ensure pain relief and aftercare. The parents or guardians of a boy need to be provided with sufficient information about the nature of the surgery, its consequences and possible harms, and they need to give written consent to the procedure. If possible, the matter should also be discussed with the boy himself.
- We only perform this operation when both parents have given their written consent and we also take into account the boy's own position, if possible. Before the circumcision, a doctor assesses whether it is possible to perform the operation taking into account the child’s possible diseases and psychological state. Therefore, a separate consultation with a doctor before the operation is mandatory. This operation is not reimbursed by Kela, except in cases where it is necessary for medical indications.
- Our doctor, Jelena Aleksejenkova, is a surgeon with extensive work experience in urology, including from the urology outpatient clinic of the Helsinki University Hospital.
- You can book a consultation time through our online booking system. If you do not have a Finnish personal identification number, you should call the appointment number +358 10 574 39 70 during clinic opening hours.