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  • Our Specialists
  • Veronika Tuusberg
  • Veronika Tuuzberg

    Head Nurse

    Helping and caring is my calling. Whenever I have to give injections, take tests, or assist doctors in surgery, I try to create the most comfortable atmosphere for the patient, give them a bit of warmth so that they can more easily bear the unpleasant moments associated with treatment. I really enjoy working as a mesoinjector. Plasma therapy is practically painless and without bruises, but it gives a stunning effect.

    Who am I?

    In the summer of 2010, I graduated from Tartu Higher Medical School. From December 2010, I worked in various medical institutions in Finland, and since 2014, I've been employed at MEDFIN.

    My responsibilities include laboratory research, assisting doctors, ordering equipment and medications. I also perform aesthetic procedures such as plasmolifting and mesotherapy. However, the most important aspect of my job, in my opinion, is maintaining a high professional level and caring for patients. I consider every patient to be individual.

    How do I spend my free time?

    I am a vegetarian, practice yoga and breathing exercises. I find it interesting to learn new things. I am fond of horseback riding. I love animals. I have a pet - a dog named Samantha.


    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off

    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off