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  • Our Specialists
  • Marina Meier
  • Marina Meyer

    General practitioner, conducting gynecological reception

    I have travelled a long way in my profession - I have delivered thousands of babies, operated on, and healed many women. I feel a genuine joy when I know that my treatment has helped another woman to become happy. After all, many of us have a hard time adapting to another country. We are all very different, some want children, some are building careers, some love their husband, and some are looking for a life partner. I primarily strive to understand each woman and help her.

    Who am I?

    Graduated from Petrozavodsk State University in 1988. I have been a first-class gynecologist since 1995. Licensed doctor in Finland since 1996. I have over 20 years of experience as an operating obstetrician-gynecologist in Finland. Since 2008, I have been working at the MEDFIN medical center, and since 2009, I have been running a private practice in Mehilainen. I excel in pregnancy and childbirth management, as well as treating hormonal disorders and menopausal changes. I am a supporter of gentle treatment methods in gynecology and organ-sparing surgeries.

    How do I spend my free time?

    Family and friends come first in my life, followed by my patients and my work. I have an adult daughter who is an otolaryngologist and a little grandson, my sunshine.

    I am interested in theater and music. I greatly value communication with interesting people.


    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off

    Copyright © 2024 MEDFIN

    Working Hours:

    Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 20:00

    Sat-Sun: Day Off